2019-2020 TSRC Reading Group Book Selections

The Trans Studies Research Cluster (TSRC) is a monthly reading group, to be held one Tuesday every month. Please sign up for our mailing list by selecting the green button below in order to receive meeting information.
The group is open to the public, and anyone is welcome to attend. UA students can earn a one unit course credit each semester by enrolling in a directed readings course with any of the following faculty members who will be team-leading the reading group:
- Frank Galarte, Gender and Women’s Studies galarte@email.arizona.edu
- Eva Hayward, Gender & Women's Studies evah@email.arizona.edu
- Z Nicolazzo, Educational Policy Studies & Practice znicolaz@email.arizona.edu
- Eric Plemons, Anthropology eplemons@email.arizona.edu
- Max Strassfeld, Religious Studies and Classics mstrassfeld@email.arizona.edu
- Susan Stryker, Gender and Women’s Studies susanstryker@email.arizona.edu
- Russell Toomey, Family Studies and Human Development toomey@email.arizona.edu
October 15: Brilliant Imperfection by Eli Clare
November 5: Lana and Lilly Wachowski: Sensing Transgender by Cáel Keegan
February 11: Intersex by Thea Hillman
March 17: Second Skins by Jay Prosser
April 14: Care work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinh
We'll meet from 6-8pm to discuss these fantastic books. For details including meeting location information, please sign up for the TSRC Reading Group below.
Trans ± Sex Symposium
Thursday, 5 - Saturday, 7 September 2019
The symposium will bring together leading scholars in Trans Studies, trans cultural producers, and community activists to investigate increasing understandings of trans people, topics, and ways of researching.The purpose of this symposium is to return to lost and refused heuristics in an effort to deepen the field of Trans Studies, as well as to return to questions of subjectivity, desire, and ontology.The symposium will also be a robust site for creating/strengthening connections across communities, which will only serve to dismantle how inequality persists to negatively influence trans people, as well as other (multiply) marginalized populations at UA and in the Tucson community.
This symposium is supported through an Innovation Farm Award through the UA Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry. To learn more about the symposium, check out the event page.