The Prussian Blue

The Prussian Blue    

Ash Kleczka headshot

I absolve myself; my will be done.
I owe you nothing.

Contrary to many other depictions, this Eve is depicted sitting amongst bones and crushed fruit, giving the illusion of blood, in a tangible representation of the pain inherent to not just the womb and the physicality of femininity but the societal burden of being femme-forward. 

Despite this, she is seated openly, head tilted in peaceful euphoria against the soft colors of the garden behind her. She has freed herself of the expectations placed upon her, and absolved herself of the alleged ‘original sin.’ 

My intent with this work was to explore my agency as a trans-masculine individual reconciling with the body I was born with, and the internalized misogyny inherent with being raised as a woman in a Christian environment.


Kleczka Original Sin

Original Sin   

 Oil on Canvas    


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