Gabriel A. A. Lewis

Gabriel’s work explores the impact societal norms have on hir demographic and hirself with vibrant color. This is best demonstrated in hir acrylic and mixed media pieces Firefly Highway and Industry Killer’s Introspection. No medium or style is off-limits, as Gabriel enjoys variety and learning new ways of creating.
Hir newest body of work uses paint and large canvas, and delves into misogyny as zhe has experienced it while comparing this to the impact that harmful perception and the actions it sets in motion have on Mother Earth. The first piece completed in this body is Falsehoods of Idealized Masculinity. The painting depicts an island shaped as an ill functioning reproductive system beset by tumult. Despite the title, hir piece comments on hir experiences as a person Assigned Female at Birth (AFAB) and hir mistreatment by male dominated socio-economic norms and the governments which legislate these expectations.