

These pieces were inspired by processing through difficult emotions during the height of the pandemic. The fears of the unknown, being surrounded by death, and moving through a traumatic experience made me turn to my creative practice. These abstract faces were me moving through all of these feelings to release them into the wild so that they no longer were resting in my body, mind, and spirit. As I created each one, I tapped into the emotion that felt the heaviest each day to help quiet my anxious feelings and bring me back to a calmer state. 

Website: danasoutherland.com
Instagram: @dagsphotography


A Glimpse...    

Drawing with marker and pen

Full size image

world is trash

The World Is Trash  

 Drawing with marker and pen
Price: $150.00

Full size image

all too much

It's All Too Much    

drawing with marker and pen    
Price: $150.00

Full size image