My name is Alice, and I take pictures of the female featherlegged orbweaver spider in my yard. This spider is filled with determination. Its web had been destroyed numerous times with strong winds and rain, but it always rebuilds it the next day. It had even fended off an invading daddy long-legs spider, which tried to eat its eggs. The spider never left the corner it lives in and continues to be a productive pest controller. It put in a lot of hard work in rebuilding the web, and now it reaps the rewards when catching lots of bugs. This mighty spider is a proud mother of dozens of children, who will continue its legacy of persevering in the face of obstacles. Its hard work has inspired me to put my best self forward in school to attain a great career. I hope it will also motivate you to push through barriers in life!

Spider Making Egg Sac

Spiderlings Hatching

Web Invasion